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Self Care Week


Self-care week offers opportunity to reflect on the importance of self-care to promote our well-being.

We have an amazing team of Social Prescribers who can assist you on a journey to better health. To speak to a member of our Social Prescribing team get in touch via your GP surgery.

Move it Monday!”

‘Move it Monday’ highlights the importance of making time in our daily routine to enjoy a form of movement outdoors in the fresh air. Including exercise in your self-care routine can help boost mental and physical well-being.

Our Social Prescribing team & Health and Well-being coaches can assist in finding local activities you can involve yourself in on a journey to better health and well-being. Make an appointment with a member of the team via your GP reception team today!

for more information follow the link below

Exercise – NHS (


“Treat yourself it’s Tuesday”

Many people view treats as the sugary kind but real treats come from giving our body health foods. Maintaining a nutritious and balanced diet is an important part of our mental and physical well-being.

If you are unsure where to start, our Social Prescribing team are on hand to help with information on healthier choices including cookery classes, allotment groups and more. Call your GP surgery to make an appointment with one of the team.

for more information follow the links below

Eat well – NHS (

Eat Well to Keep Well at Home |


“Wellness Wednesday”

Taking medication appropriately and safely is an important part of helping improve our wellness. Medication is aimed to improve wellness but this may not be the case if you are taking medication incorrectly. Taking medication incorrectly can cause more harm than good.

Taking medications as prescribed can help improve your health outcomes. Being responsible and informed on medication use assures the maximum beneficial impacts of a medication you take.

Please speak to our team of GP’s and Pharmacists who can offer support and medication reviews to ensure you receive maximum benefits and minimal side effects to your medication.


“Talk it out Thursday”

Social interaction is an important part of maintaining our health and well-being. Keeping on top of difficult worries is easier when you talk them  over with someone.

For some people it may be easier to discuss personal worries and struggles with a professional who is impartial and will not judge. Our Social Prescribing team are available to talk to those needing extra support.

Offering your own time to help others is also another rewarding way to boost well-being. The ‘Spare 5’ campaign is supporting Wirral to reduce feelings of isolation and promote inclusion.

For more information follow the link below

Information – Healthwatch Wirral


“Feel good Friday”

Engaging in spiritual self-care such as meditation and yoga has been shown to improve different aspects of our well-being including sleep, relationships and lower anxiety levels.

Youtube has many free meditation and yoga videos at varying lengths to suit your time limits. There are also useful mobile apps such as Headspace, Calm and Medito.

Our team of Social Prescribers can offer support in finding ways to use self care. Ask your GP surgery for an appointment with one of our Social Prescribers today!

For more information on ways to manage anxiety, low mood, stress, and reducing pressure follow the link below

Every Mind Matters – NHS (

To speak to someone from Talking Together please call 0151 649 1859

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