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Carers Support

Support for Unpaid and Unidentified Carers


An unpaid carer is someone who devotes part of their time to take care of someone else who may be a family member, neighbour, friends or even acquaintance.

While being an unpaid carer is extremely helpful, sometimes the carer’s well-being is affected as well and they start to struggle themselves.

We are aiming to reduce this kind of incidence by providing help to those carers through a network of supports listed below.


WIRED is an organisation which provide a range of supports for unpaid carers:

  1. Carer support group Wirral
  • St James Centre Carers Luncheon Club
  • Beechwood Carers Support Group
  • Wallasey Carers Support Group
  • Noctorum Carers Support Group
  • Bray Street Carers Support Group

How to join: Just turn up on the day, email or call us on 0151 670 0777 to let us know that you will be coming or to find out more.

  1. Carer health and well-being service
  • Carers information, advice, support & activities
  • Carers Emergency Contact Service
  • Carers Counselling
  • Adult Carers online assessments
  • Carers training
  • Carer awareness training for professionals
  • Dementia Carer Support
  • Carers Groups

How to contact us

To contact the Carers Health and Wellbeing Service please call the Carers helpline on:

0151 670 0777 (staffed Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm),

or email or text CARER to 87007.

  1. Advocacy

generic advocacy, Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) and also Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Advocacy (DoLS).

  1. To find a personal healthcare assistant Wirral
  2. Payroll services

To contact WIRED Payroll Service please call 0151 522 7990  (staffed Monday to Friday 9am – 4.30pm) or email


Age UK Wirral is an organisation which is devoted to providing support to dementia patients as well as carers who need guidance for available services. The following is the list of support available for unpaid carers.

Financial support for carers

Juggling work and caring

Dementia care

Taking a break from caring

Looking after myself

My role has changed or ended

Contact telephone number: 0151 482 3456


Email address:


Carers UK is a digital platform ready to provide a wide range of supports for carers around the UK and is aiming to make carers access support on an online basis making it easy to browse and related to different situations they are in.

Join for free on by using the free access code: DPCN 9533

Create an account on Jointly as below:

  • Visit and click ‘Sign up’                                                                   
  • A new page will appear, complete the form, and press ‘Sign up’ again at the bottom
  • Click ‘Create a new circle’ and select ‘Use Free Access Code’
  • Enter the code DPCN9533 and click ‘Redeem’
  • Then you can download the app and log in with the details you used to register.




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