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Mental Health Resources

Wirral Mind Foundation Project 

Wirral Mind Charity currently fund the Foundation Project, an innovative mental health centre open to people across Merseyside.

The project offers a community cafe and lounge area set up as a safe space for those experiencing mental health problems to visit and connect with others, seek support and find out more about the services offered at Wirral Mind.

Mind currently offer weekly group activities to allow individuals to meet with others sharing similar experiences and interests in a supportive and friendly environment.

For more information and the full timetable follow the link here 

How are you?

NHS England have created the ‘How are you’ quiz as a non medical assessment to offer basic information about your lifestyle and offer help in making better choices if you wish to.

If you feel worried about your health, you should speak to a health professional. Follow the link below to complete the quiz:

How Are You? quiz – NHS (

Talking Therapy

Talking Together Wirral are able to offer free talking therapy for those feeling low or stressed and wanting to make positive changes.

please call 0151 649 1859

Get your mind plan 

The Get your mind plan quiz with 5 quick questions designed to offer a free plan with tips to help manage with stress and anxiety, improve sleep and boost mood levels to feel more in control.

To find out more or complete the quiz follow the link below

Get Your Mind Plan – Every Mind Matters – NHS (


Working from home?

For some of us, working remotely has not stopped as the world starts to return to normal. For many people working from home has had a large impact on wellbeing and motivation. For those missing the office environment but have no end date to working remotely, there are simple changes that can help look after your own mental wellbeing while still working efficiently from home.

More information is available here

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